22 February 2005

Another Manic Tuesday

Well, yeah... Okay. I got to the lab later than I should have, so there's no chance of me finishing this take-home midterm, though I've got the short essay done. I'll lose a few points by turning it in tomorrow, but I'll live. Why was I late getting onto campus today? First, the twenty-five minute shower. Second, making sure I had everything I'd need for an entire day (07:00-24:05) on campus. Upon arriving on campus, I realized that I'd forgotten A) a cassette with which to record my radio show tonight and B) the cup of tea I'd made for myself at 05:45, which was probably lukewarm by then anyway. Bollocks!

Remember last Tuesday? Well, the suit's in the car, and I luckily have a bit more time to work with today, so I won't don the suit until this afternoon. I'm in Carhartt jeans and a Naval Academy T-shirt, so I'm good to go for now, with the exception of my missing cup of tea.

In a completely unrelated story...


Anyway, I should work on my cover letter, since I sure as heck won't be able to finish that midterm in twenty minutes. More later, wankers.


Blogger Mo said...

Hey, I'm considered a freshman! LOL

But I look NOTHING like her. She's friggin hot.

5:05 PM  

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