17 August 2005


From the IMDB News page:

Scarlett Johansson is furious producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald have blamed her and Ewan McGregor for the box-office failure of their big-budget film The Island. The screen beauty was staggered by their recent attack, which included a comment on their website claiming "even lesser television actresses would have more connection to that audience" than Johansson did in The Island. Johannson rages, "This is a clear-cut example of the producers passing the buck and not taking responsibility for their part in making calculated mistakes throughout the film's marketing. (I am) proud of (my) performance and the film."

I loved The Island, and I don't have any explanation for its failure at the box office, other than to say that it was directed by Michael Bay, who's now damaged goods after to many over-the-top blockbusters. I enjoyed The Rock and Armageddon, but Pearl Harbor (not worth linking to) was absolutely horrible, and the sum total of these films is going to haunt any Michael Bay film.

I'll tell you this for sure, though: Scarlett Johannson and Ewan McGregor were excellent in this film, and for producers to blame them is absolute hubris.

And, in a story that literally nobody will care about, egotistical, untalented, gap-toothed slut Madonna fell off a horse. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Madonna a speedy recovery, and I'd like to further encourage her to enjoy the rest of her life in preparation for an eternity of burning in Hell.


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