07 January 2008

The Non-Halo-Related Flood

What a weekend. I woke up at 0300 on Saturday to discover that the upstairs neighbor's water heater had cracked, sending cascades of water down to the second and ground floors (that ground floor being my place). The residual issues from that will be straightened out by the end of today. Yesterday I got in the shower, only to find out that all of the water had shorted out the thermostat on my hot water heater and damaged the actual circuit breaker for the hot water heater - thus, a cold rinse before church, and an actual shower later in the day.

As a result of this and other unfortunate items, I'm still not sold yet on this whole "2008" thing, so hopefully this week will be better - I'm going to make every effort to make that happen, and since I won't be making up hours at work to try to get up to forty as a result of only working a few hours last Tuesday (while all the sane people were taking the paid holiday off instead of trying to defer it), I should have the time to accomplish the things that were bugging me last week for not having gotten done. I must say, call me Ebenezer, but I'm really learning to loathe the holidays - a month and a half of people buzzing over a single day, then two weeks in which it's impossible to get anything accomplished because half of America's work force is on holiday - though to get some perspective, it's worth noting that we're nowhere near as bad as the French or Germans in August or September. (Then again, with the exception of individuals like Nicholas Sarkozy and a few others, we're not really comparable to the French at all!)

At any rate, read on.

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In Exodus 3:1-4, the Lord appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush.

Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the LORD appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, "I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up." When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am."

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Fly's burning bush.

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This section contains random items.

In my post from a couple of weeks ago, aptly titled "The Fly is a Hairy, Drunken Liar", I noted two things: I faked a marriage on Facebook with Manda, and I'm growing a beard for the first time. The beard continues, and it's starting to get thick enough that I'm considering trimming it. I'm still thinking about, just for grins, growing it out for a while - it's not like there are any women to impress, and I'm just bored enough to actually do it. As a matter of fact, this evening I bought a comb for it - even if I end up shaving it, the comb only ran my ninety-seven cents at Target (thank you, future Chinese overlords). If I end up with some sweet beard pics, I'll post a couple.

Alas, something that I noted in the same post has come to an end. My faux-marriage to Manda has come to a screeching halt, ended by the co-workers starting a network on Facebook that she wished to be part of without being regarded as crazy. We remain friends, and hopefully the marital-style activities will continue... From three thousand miles away.

I stumbled across this op-ed piece by Senator Thompson, and since I know that Mighty Mo was at one point gunnin' for Fred, I think I ought to post it.

One thing that I've been doing lately is going back and revisiting some things that I used to be really interested in when I was in high school, mainly things about computers. Lately I've been reading up on mIRC, a program that I literally haven't used in years, even though I used to use it constantly in high school. I also want to read up on various aspects of Telnet, which I used a little bit in middle and high schools, FTP, and new things like RSS feeds and XMPP. I was actually reading a paper about IRC the other day that contained - no joke - the following line:

Zombie armies are forming at this very moment.

Now, that line's embellished a little bit, but it's entertaining, it's legitimate ("zombie" is an actual technical term), and I'd actually be willing to bet real money that the author wrote the paper just so he could use that line. One of the other things that I've learned just a little bit about is Linux. Now, I have no desire to run Linux, but a couple of guys I used to work with, as well as a good buddy of mine from college, were really big Linux heads. I ended up stumbling across some Linux-related videos on YouTube, one series of which pokes fun at Linux, while the other series is definitely pro-Linux. Have a look.

I wish they had more than three in the second series - that chick is kind of hot. Basically, I guess I'm sort of stoked because this isn't the only time that I've been able to use my youthful, nerdy past and/or my major interests to be successful. One time I even proved my dad wrong by using my many hours spent reading about Star Trek to successfully answer questions on astronomy exams in college. Now I get to spend the countless hours spent online during the course of high school to help me build a background in computer stuff - not a huge background, but enough to have a little bit of information technology cognizance. An IT guy I am not, nor do I ever intend to be, but every little bit helps in this increasingly technological world of ours.

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The Fly: How was your New Years?
LSG: fine, Jen left me at the airport for a bit
LSG: so i threw up on her carpet as revenge
The Fly: ROFL
The Fly: That's so worth going in this blog post.

* * *

Other than training with the dudes at Blackwater, here are my other resolutions for 2008, posted despite no responses from you folks.

  • finish long-term PT cycle
  • read at least twenty books - ten for leisure, ten for professional development
  • write a major research project
  • reach second year Arabic proficiency
  • take the Blackwater Worldwide Basic Carbine Operator course
    So, there you have it. One thing that I'm concerned about is that I was listening to the twice-daily BBC News podcast the other day, and there was some guy on there being interviewed about New Years resolutions. He said that you should only make one resolution, because making multiple resolutions spreads out your resolve and leads to none of them getting accomplished. I'm not sure I buy this - when I put items on my weekly "to do" list, I make an effort to get them all done, and listing them helps me to organize my efforts to get things accomplished. Anyway, I'm blathering, and there are more important things to get into.

    My list of resolutions for last year is here. Unfortunately, I failed in each of my three resolutions. Actually, I failed completely - so here's to new chances, right?

    * * *

    The Fly: In electoral politics, fifty-one percent is an unequivocal win.
    LSG: lol
    LSG: but this isn't politics
    LSG: its sex
    LSG: and sex is more las vegas style gambling
    The Fly: LOL
    The Fly: That's a good line. You're going to have two of them in this post.

    * * *

    May the second week of 2008 treat us all better than the first week of 2008 treated me!

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