16 December 2004

All in Moderation

Wow. Just... Wow.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A teacher at a Pakistani madrassa (search) outside Islamabad wants his students to learn about more than Islamic theology.

"We are teaching economics, we are teaching political science, we are teaching computer science," said English teacher Muhammed Moeenuddin.

Students still spend plenty of time memorizing the Koran (search), as they do at other madrassas, which are religious schools that primarily focus on Islam. But at Moenuddin's school, they also get a secular education. And unlike other madrassas, which often promote radical Islamic thinking that is hostile to the United States, this one teaches peace. FOX News visited the school recently with a congressional delegation.

"We're taught to be patient, be tolerable to other people because our religion teaches us that every single human being is equal," said student Ali Jawad.

Amazing. Simply amazing. It's things like this that give me hope that the course of radical Islamofascism can be turned. It'll take a long time, but if this sort of thing starts to snowball, it could be the beginning of an amazing transformation.


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