What Happens in Vegas

What happens in abu Ghraib... Stays in Vegas! Behold, pictorial evidence of the sheer chicanery and tomfoolery of my last trip to Las Vegas, Nevada before the Escape from the Mojave Tour. (By the way, for those who don't recognize the feet, that's a copy of Dave at Caesar's palace - the third of three of the same statue that I've seen, one of the others being the original, and both of the others being in Florence, Italy.)
Not much time to write this morning, but I'll have an article up on Monday about the chaotic response to Kosovo's declaration of its independence from Serbia. In the mean time, here's the final of four videos that remind me of my time spent in Engaland: "Laura" by the Scissor Sisters.
Have a great weekend, folks, and remember: abu Ghraib was an isolated incident perpetrated by a handful of wankers, and not a symptom of some sort of overarching conspiracy to torture prisoners. Oh, and, you know, double-decker bus and all that. Cheers, mates!
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