You're So Vain...

My "big sister", Mighty Mo, can tell anyone who's willing to listen that while I'm generally a very upstanding young man ("Boy Scout", the Crypto King calls me), I can also be a total ass on occasion. A lot of the time, I'm not even trying - I just turn obnoxious, or I overlook things. For example, when I'm particularly impressed with something, a gift or a good beer or something, sometimes I'll either say or neglect to say things that I should(n't) say. It's one of those things I have to work on every day, like the Fly Report or enjoying technical manuals from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (In their defense, NIST does some great work with WWV.) At any rate, sometimes when I'm really impressed by a gift, I'll forget to verbally say thinks like "Shukran!" or "Domo!" or even "Danke schoen!"
Okay, so why is there a picture of my bathroom sink, and some cryptic nonsense about me being an ass? Well, two people will know why; one in particular, my beloved but confused "big sister", will just laugh and call me an ass. It's what I've come to expect.
So, I just have to throw this out there - Castro stepped down? Crazy. I especially loved the BBC pictorial that claimed that... Well, I'll just quote it:
But Fidel Castro retained enough public support to become one of the world's longest-serving leaders.
"Retained enough public support" my ass! He jailed and tortured anyone who opposed him! Real torture, not like that waterboarding nonsense that everyone's got their shorts in a jumble over. And how about this bullet in the BBC's main article:
Target of many CIA assassination plots.
As if the CIA is some evil land, and instead of General Hayden, it's run by the Dark Lord Sauron! How dare the evil forces of Mordor, I mean the CIA, target such a benevolent despot as Fidel Castro? Honestly!
Right then, bed time. G'night, folks!
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