18 March 2005

Early Afternoon Plugs

I feel like I've been in this computer lab listening to the Quran for about a week, but it's only been five hours. That's right, folks. Five friggin' hours.

Anyway, I was checking out some of Bane's rants and he linked to this crazy brute named Lycan. The guy's hilarious, and probably every bit as honest as Bane is in his posts. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh until you cry, and then you stop.

Also, Kingdom of Idiots is well worth the visit, as is Eyerocker.

When you're done with that, the rest of you wankers (Manda, Wife, Sip, I'm lookin' at y'all) can answer the question below, "Search for Meaning". I'd link to it, but I haven't had a chance to get the HaloScan system completely set up, and I want the comments to be consolidated. Go find it, it's not that far down.


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