31 July 2009

AMF: News and Views

First, the news.

  • CNN: Fights at Iranian refugee camp leave 7 dead
  • BBC: How the humble Swiss Army Knife became an icon - Another article about the Swiss Army Knife. I tell you, they're most excellent.
  • BBC: Taliban urge Afghan poll boycott - Translation: the Taliban and those of their ilk hate democracy, and don't believe that people should be able to make their own decisions.
  • BBC: Algerian soldiers 'die in ambush'
  • Guardian: What happened to Arab science fiction? - This is an excellent op-ed, and asks the question that many in both the West and the Middle East continue to ask: what excuse does the Arab world have for being so far behind the curve compared to other cultures?
  • Times: Organic food has no health beneftis, FSA study finds - I still love this story.

    So, as I mentioned, this has been a long and arduous week, and last night was no exception. Between spurning an invitation by a hot girl I grew up with to join her pyramid scheme, and addressing some points that Father Time made over the E-mail, I wound up swamped. (I may consult with Father Time on the prospect of posting some of our E-mail traffic, because he's quite entertaining, and we discuss some substantive issues.) I look forward to a bit of relaxation this weekend, coupled with a bit more productivity than this week afforded me. I once again have high hopes for next week, and I hope that things will calm down in the interim.

    In the mean time, have a fantastic weekend, folks.
  • Fly Report: 31st July 2009

    Good morning. Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright.

    It's 15° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 69° Fahrenheit with scattered thunder storms.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $67.62. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9154.46. The exchange rate is $1.65 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is most excellent. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 94. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 281

    After the flood, all the colors came out.

    30 July 2009


    First, the news.

  • Violence hits Iranian refugee camp in Iraq (CNN, BBC, BBC, Press TV - I've written on the People's Mujahideen of Iran/Mujahideen-E-Khalq Organization (PMO, MKO, MEK) before. Their primary base is in Iraq, in a compound north of Baghdad that they've occupied since shortly after the Iranian Revolution. Apparently, Iraqi troops went in and busted some heads. This is very, very bad mojo.
  • BBC: 'Organic has no health benefits' - Ha! Take that, hippies!
  • Guardian: The defeat siren is sounding for Blair's vainglorious jihad in Afghanistan
  • Times: Germans shoot first, shout later at Taleban
  • Times: We underrated the Taleban, says general
  • Times: Holbrooke declares war on Taleban bankrollers - Weren't they supposed to have been doing that for the last eight years?
  • UPI: Outside View: Counterinsurgency Challenges
  • AFP: Chinese envoy briefs Algerians on Xinjiang violence
  • Loldogs: Why Dogs are Wonderful #5: Your own family may not give you the time of day, but your dog will give his life for you without thinking twice - Everyone should look at this picture. It's fantastic.
  • Just for Fun: Don't Even Reply - Along the line of Letters at Large, this is one of the funniest websites I've seen in ages. I about soiled myself laughing at High-rise Fridge Delivery. Fantastic.

    I had very high hopes for this week. After Monday, a lousy week was essentially a foregone conclusion. A lot of it revolves around events and requirements at work that are neither within my control, nor necessarily discussed here. I've tried to make the most of it, and Wednesday was marginally better than Tuesday, and Tuesday was substantially better than Monday, but the week is more than half over and the momentum was ruined early.

    One of the few saving graces of this week has been a series of E-mails that I've exchanged with Father Time, who thinks that I should try to accomplish less, abandon my exercise regimen, buy more material possessions, and score with some superficial dames. I'm not opposed to the last part, but I'm stewing on the rest. The best part, though, is our continuing discussion of these items, in addition to a discussion of politics that's enraging and envigorating, as all of my political discussions with him wind up being. Even though he adeptly orchestrated the cancellation of my Wednesday swim workout (I'm sure he was partly responsible for the lightning, too), our discussion has been one of the highlights of my week.

    I have a handful of items that I've been stalling on. They're going to wind up waiting until next week. I may be able to throw something entertaining in for Arbeit Macht Freitag, but that will have to wait for tomorrow. In the mean time, I have a few things that I may be able to accomplish today, so I need to get a move on - let's hope that Thursday and Friday help me to pick up the pace from the aborted operations that were supposed to begin this week.

    UPDATE: Brilliant! Confused Matthew is reviewing Armageddon!
  • Fly Report: 30th July 2009

    Good morning. Send us another Brother Moses, from across the Red Sea.

    It's 15° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 73° Fahrenheit with isolated thunder storms.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $64.20. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9070.72. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is most triumphant. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 93. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 280

    USSR, GDR, London, New York, Peking.

    29 July 2009

    Wednesday Article Bonanza

    This week's been horrible so far. I'm not holding out much hope for the rest of the week. Next week looks rough, too.

  • AP: Rocket Launchers Sold to Venezuela [by Sweden] Went to FARC - Hugo Chavez is a moron. You'd think he'd at least be smart enough to cover his tracks... Well, maybe not.
  • CNN: In Havana, U.S. turns off sign critical of Cuban government
  • Guardian: Ministers believe they have created the right conditions for dialogue with 'second-tier' local [Taliban] leaders - Don't you have to be, you know, winning, in order for the conditions to be right to negotiate?
  • Guardian: Shades of fundamentalism">Talk to the Taliban, but don't sell out the women and young people of Afghanistan - The Taliban are diametrically opposed to any form of women's rights. Where's the overlap? There is none.
  • Guardian: Afghanistan Needs a Henry VII
  • Guardian: The self-righteous left's simplistic world - Gal Wettstein invokes the smug left on censorship in Israel. Democracy there is healthier than in most Middle Eastern states
  • Times: Britain 'will need more troops in Afghanistan'
  • Times: Terrorist threat to Sacha Baron Cohen over Brüno ridicule - If you only read one article or watch one video clip from today's post, this should be it.
  • Times: The conquerors are coming, Pierre – we Brits need more land
  • Jerusalem Post: IDF creates replica Hizbullah village, forest
  • Taqadoumy: Mauritania arrests alleged member of al Qaeda offshoot
  • Taqadoumy: Algeria, POLISARIO and the Mauritanian election

  • Fly Report: 29th July 2009

    Good morning. Gosh darn that Fast Eddie McClintock!

    It's 18° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 61° Fahrenheit with light rain.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $66.80. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9096.72. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is beautiful. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 93. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 279

    See the world, in green and blue.

    28 July 2009

    Tuesday Articles

  • AP: Terrorists Hiding in Iran, Evidence Suggests (2005)
  • The Long Yomp to Stanley - This is an article discussing the wealth of literature about the Falklands War on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of that conflict.
  • Wired: CIA Sat on Alleged Drone Hit on bin Laden's Kid - Apparently the American government has been screwing with al Qaeda by not bothering to release news of the death of Saad bin Laden. Huh?
  • BBC: Mauritania election chief quits
  • Guardian: Russia: Georgia can't rebuild military; US may rearm Georgia, despite Moscow's opposition (AFP)
  • Guardian: Even without Hamid Karzai, the first presidential debate was a historic moment in the democratisation of Afghanistan - Debates are good. They're a big part of what's been going on in Iran for the last month or so.
  • Guardian: South Africa to build three nuclear power stations - South Africa can do it, and we can help the UAE and various other Middle Eastern countries to do it, but we can't do it ourselves? Dirty hippies...
  • Guardian: The Truth About Arab Science - "Can we look forward to a boom in Arab science or will poverty, bureaucracy and religion be insurmountable obstacles?" Ouch.
  • Times: "Americans still like their President enormously, but they are suddenly worried sick about what "change" actually means - and how much it is costing" - This guy needs to check the polls. Americans no longer like President Obama enormously.
  • Times: Researchers clone mouse from skin cells - I don't understand the obsession with federal funding for embryonic stem cell research when there's very little promise in embryonic stem cell research, and a great deal of promise in adult stem cell research (which doesn't threaten the unborn).
  • Times: Clinton trades insults with North Korea
  • Times: Ex-SAS officer attacks Afghanistan 'lies' - FOr those of you who haven't been paying attention, there's a big storm raging in Britain over the level of support that Downing Street has afforded to British troops serving in Afghanistan. It's just one more factor that will probably unseat Gordon Brown in the next election.
  • AFP: Russian Missile Designer Quits After Test Failures
  • AFP: Mongolia to Send Troops to Afghanistan - Brilliant! Ever since I read Imperial Grunts by Robert Kaplan, I've been quite impressed with Mongolia - so much so, that I don't call it "Mongoria" and make fun of it in the same way that I would North Korea, which is filled with many ronery, ronery people.
  • UPI: United States Leads Small Arms Sales - America leads the world in the import of small arms - the way God intended it.
  • Iran 'abolishes' piracy off Somalia (Iran Press TV, Fars News) - If you say so, Iran. Wankers...
  • AP: Sources: U.S. Man Was 'Gold Mine' of Terror Intel
  • Homicide Bomber Kills 5 in Chechnya (AP, BBC)
  • CNN: Piracy upswing expected off Somalia
  • CNN: Britain hails 'success' of anti-Taliban push
  • BBC: Afghanistan 'agrees Taliban deal' - Pakistan has tried this before, and it has never worked. The Taliban always back out and start blowing stuff up.
  • BBC: Baloch separatists attack traders
  • BBC: Five ancient Roman shipwrecks offer unusually complete remains
  • BBC: UK urges change in Afghan strategy
  • Guardian: Lessons that can be learned from talking to the IRA - The bottom line is that the only lesson that can be learned from British work with the IRA is that the Taliban is not the IRA. The IRA never threw acid in the faces of girls, the IRA never buried women up to their heads and stoned them - the contrasts are manifold. The Brits can't seem to get over this idea that the IRA is a nefarious terrorist organization. Compared with the Taliban, the IRA were and are small beans, and reasonably civilized. If the Brits keep trying to use anti-IRA tactics to fight the Taliban, then the war is lost.
  • Times: Esperanto speakers get physical — and political - The article claims that Esperanto is poised to eclipse English as the international language because a few Iranians and Chinese use it to get around government censors. One could probably say the same about Klingon and Swedish, and they'd be equally wrong.
  • Wired Danger Room: US Weighs Private Army to Protect Afghan Bases
  • AFP: Russia Begins Construction of New Nuclear Sub
  • AFP: US Wants Greater Military Cooperation with Libya: Feltman
  • AFP: Return of Prodigal US Pleases Asia - Apparently Asians are happy to have an American counterweight to China.
  • AFP: Swiss Army Knife Morphs with Age - This is a really interesting and light article about the history and recent developments of one of the core symbols of our time, the Swiss Army Knife. Everyone should enjoy this article.
  • UPI: US Faces Logistics Nightmare in Iraq
  • Fly Report: 28th July 2009

    Good morning. Give me a reason for life and for death, and a reason for drowning while I hold my breath.

    It's 16° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 73° Fahrenheit with partial clouds.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $69.19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9108.51. The exchange rate is $1.65 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is cool. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 92. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 278

    You were talking about the end of the world.

    27 July 2009

    Stuff Fly Wants: July 2009

    Field Gear
  • British special forces style rucksack - £75.00
  • British SAS smock - £95.00
  • British Desert DPM trousers and shirt
  • MARPAT Desert Utilities - $67.98
  • Six Color Desert Utilities - $39.98
  • Tiger Stripe Utilities - $39.98
  • Khaki Tru-Spec Tactical Response Uniform trousers (2) - $89.80
  • Sand Crye Precision Field Pants AC - $115.00
  • UDT/SEAL Team Swimmer Trunks (2) - $71.90
  • U.S. Army ACU tan sweat-wicking uniform T-shirts (3)
  • Under Armour Cold Gear
  • 5.11 Tactical Polos (3) - $89.97
  • Rubbermaid 48 Gallon ActionPackers (2) - $69.99
  • TAD Gear Pathfinder Zip Hoodie - $117.70
  • Sony 8GB Walkman Video MP3 Player (black) - $119.95 (Amazon price $99.77)
  • Bushmaster Deluxe Armorer's Kit - $180.95
  • Celtic Cross - $11.95
  • FN FAL

    Household Items
  • Union Jack - $8.09
  • Amazing Pasta Maker [click me] - $39.95
  • Fouled Anchor lapel pin
  • Walther PPK
  • Britain and Ireland Map - $10.99
  • Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Middle East Map - $10.99
  • Roman Mainz Gladius - $144
  • The Maxim Coffin Coffee Table - $3995.00
  • Pawleys Island Tri-Beam Hammock Stand - $140.00
  • Pawleys Island Beach Quilted Hammock - $199.99 (Amazon price $184.36)
  • Discipline poster - $19.95
  • book case

  • Royal Marines T-Shirt - £10.96
  • More Cowbell T-Shirt - $20.00
  • Position Wanted: Pope T-Shirt - $12.99
  • Clan Cleland tartan kilt and kilt pin - $400.00 - $700.00
  • Utilikilts Knee High Celtic Weave Socks - $10.00
  • deer skin sporran

  • Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab - $7.99
  • Contact Zero by David Wolstencroft - $7.99
  • New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy has Damaged America by Burton Fulsom, Jr. - $27.00 (Amazon price $17.82)
  • Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left,
    From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning
    by Jonah Goldberg - $27.95 (Amazon price $16.77)

  • Best of Chris Isaak (CD & DVD) - $24.98 (Amazon price $22.99)
  • Reno 911! - Season 2 - $19.99 (Amazon price $9.99)
  • Kids in the Hall - Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 - $179.90 (Amazon price $155.98)
  • Gladiator Extended Edition - $35.98 (Amazon price $22.99)
  • Apocalypse Now - The Complete Dossier - $19.99 (Amazon price $13.99
  • Switchfoot - The Legend of Chin - $11.98
  • Stephanie Schneiderman - Live at Kung Fu Bakery - $15.98
  • Hootie & the Blowfish - The Best of 1993 Through 2003 - $11.98 (Amazon price $8.97)
  • Mystical Chants of Carmel by the Carmelite Monks - $18.95
  • Fly Report: 27th July 2009

    Good morning. Yuengling sucks.

    It's 16° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 68° Fahrenheit with scattered thunder storms.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $68.52. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9093.24. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is beautiful. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 91. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 277

    I am not afraid of anything in this world.

    25 July 2009

    Saturday Morning Funny

    I'm working on a post for 10,000 Reps, and watching an episode of Frasier that someone put on YouTube. I had to share this portion of the episode Three Valentines.

    Purely hilarious. David Hyde Pierce is hilarious, but as usual, Moose steals the scene. Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Have a great weekend.

    24 July 2009

    Wherein the Fly is Greatly Successful

    What a day. What a productive, exhausting day yesterday was. I accomplished the following things, among others.

  • I had a third flawless swim workout of the week, and stretched. One more swim workout, and I will have accomplished my cardio goal for the week. As I post this I'm in the midst of the Forty-five more pushups and sixty more situps that will complete my calisthenics portion. Great success!
  • I went grocery shopping.
  • I made Tuna Helper, and fresh fruit salad, and cleaned up. It took a long time, but it was worth it.
  • I read and listened to سورة الرحمن (Surat al Rahman, "The Merciful") in English and Arabic.
  • I read from The Royal Marines by Julian Thompson.

    So, here's the news.

  • Bin Laden's Son Believed Killed in U.S. Airstrike (Fox, CNN, BBC, Guardian, Times) - Good shooting, boys! Keep looking for the tall skinny guy who's hooked up to the dialysis machine!
  • 'Imbecilic' French Army Drill Sparks Giant Wildfire (Sky News, BBC, Times) - You know, if the French weren't at least making an effort in places like Afghanitan and Lebanon, I'd be very, very tempted to lay into them on this one.
  • CNN: Poisoned chalice? Swine flu hits [Anglican] church wine; [Anglican] Church offers marriage [of adults] and baptism [of their pre-existing children] in one
  • CNN: N. Korea: Clinton 'funny rady, by no means interrigent' - Okay, I'll admit it, I changed the L's to R's.
  • CNN: NASA Earth pictures show extent of eclipse - Very, very cool. Go have a look, even if you ignore the article itself.
  • BBC: Israel to use Hitler shot for PR - Go look. The picture shows Hitler, and he's straight up chillin' with the Grand Mufti (read: chief Muslim cleric) of Jerusalem.
  • BBC gallery: In pictures: Bears of Ussuriysk - Mighty Mo, you will probably love this gallery, so go look.
  • Guardian photo: Pesh, Afghanistan: A US soldier crosses another day off his calendar at Michigan base
  • US ready to arm Gulf allies against Iran (Guardian); Clinton stirs Israeli fears US will accept nuclear Iran (AFP)
  • Times: Gaddafi trip to US angers Lockerbie families, Colonel Gaddafi the pariah has become an ally; UPI: Libya Eyes a New Arsenal
  • UPI: British look for ways to deal with IEDs
  • AFP: Kalashnikov Demand Soars with Violence in Pakistan
  • John Stossel: The Arrogance of Health Care Reform - John Stossel is awesome, and he deftly cuts through the crap that the Obama Administration has been spewing about proposed reforms to health care. Hear me now and believe me later, if President Obama fails on this, and on Cap-and-Tax, it's a good thing for everyone because it will mean that Democrats and Republicans will have to start playing ball with one another. America works best when politicians have to compete, hard, in order to get your vote, and it works best when conditions force them to work in a bi-partisan manner.

    I had originally intended to add a couple of additional items to this week's AMF post, but as I write this, it's after 2100 on Thursday, and I refuse to go to bed at 2330 again. Have a great weekend, folks, and check back on Monday for more. There are some great things planned for next week, so be sure to tune in.
  • Fly Report: 24th July 2009

    Good morning. Sometimes, the Fly blogs in the third person - he's like the Bob Dole of the Internet.

    It's 13° Centigrade and rainy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 84° Fahrenheit with partial clouds.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $67.59. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 9069.29. The exchange rate is $1.66 for £1, or £0.60 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is cool. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 90. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 274

    Oh love, look at you now, you've got yourself stuck in a moment, and you can't get out of it.

    23 July 2009

    At Breakneck Pace

    Barely time for the news today.

  • Burma Calls for Nukes (AP, CNN, Times)
  • BBC image: Solar Eclipse at the Taj Mahal
  • BBC: Long shadow - Biden won't make same waves in Georgia as Bush did - If only I could have been there to watch Joe Biden being driven down the George W. Bush Highway in Tblisi. That would have been the highlight of my life.
  • BBC: UK is losing 52 pubs each week - This is a travesty, and should be reversed immediately. Who's with me!? Gus? Father Time? I know that Mighty Mo is with me!
  • Guardian: Lonesome George, the last Galápagos giant tortoise, may become a dad
  • Guardian: Assessing the risk from al-Qaida - The UK has reduced the official threat of an al-Qaida terrorist attack. Should the US follow suit? - Huh. Also, the thumbnail of the author of this article sort of makes him look like Elvis Presley.
  • Times gallery: US Marines in Afghanistan
  • Times: Public want [British] Army withdrawn from Afghanistan - Interesting, since the BBC was reporting just last week that British Afghan mission public support was rising.
  • UPI: Russia eyes Med naval base in Syria
  • SPX: Countering the IED Threat
  • AFP: Biden says US supports Ukraine bid to joint NATO - Let's hope that this is a serious goal of the Obama Administration, and not just some crap that was typed into their teleprompters in order to make them sound good.
  • Taqadoumy: Post-election Mauritania Brief
  • Slate: Why 2024 will be like Nineteen Eighty-Four - A very interesting piece about why non-ownership of books on Kindle sets is a dangerous precedent.
  • Gizmodo: Why the App Store is Just Like the Civil Rights Movement, and Other Lessons We can Learn from I-Fart

    I spent last night doing the following things, which precluded a good blog post:

  • I went on a good yomp, and I did pushups and situps.
  • I replied to an exceptionally long E-mail with another exceptionally long E-mail - time consuming, but it was important.
  • I read a short passage from The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force.
  • I broke down my gear from the yomp and set my gym bag up for today's swim workout.
  • I drank a beer. Mmmmmm. Beer.

    Check in tomorrow, folks. I have a couple of links that I held back today so that I can give them proper coverage tomorrow, so come check them out - if you have any interest in history or guns, tomorrow's the day for you. In the mean time, have a fantastic Thursday.
  • Fly Report: 23rd July 2009

    Good morning. This is the loneliest voyage I've ever been on.

    It's 17° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 90° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $65.34. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8881.26. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is cool. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 89. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson (I've been reading it since Friday, and I'm not sure how the Fly Report didn't get updated accordingly).

    Consecutive days without CCG: 273

    They say a secret is something you tell one other person.

    22 July 2009

    Plumbers, Jupiter, and Ancient Televisions

    Hey, folks! First, the news.

  • Fox: Report: Iranian Militias Marry, Rape Virgin Prisoners Before Executions - The source on this one is allegedly a former Basij militia member who ran afoul of the Iranian regime after the recent protests. Iranian law apparently prohibits capital punishment for virgin women, so the Iranian solution is to force them to "marry" and then have militia prison guards rape them. If it's true, the Iranian regime and its hangers-on are even worse than I'd previously thought.
  • Jupiter Struck by Object, NASA Images Confirm (Reuters, Guardian, Times) - Very cool, particularly for anyone who remembers Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in '94.
  • CNN: U.S. bombs poppy crop to cut Taliban drug ties
  • BBC: Why keep an ancient appliance? - Apparently someone found the oldest television set in the United Kingdom, so the BBC ran a couple of articles about it. Sort of entertaining.
  • BBC: UAE Blackberry update was spyware - Worth the read, particularly if you have a smart phone.
  • BBC: Mali ex-rebels to tackle al-Qaeda - Apparently the Algerians and the Malians have agreed to a deal whereby former Tuareg rebels will hunt for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb as they wander the Sahara. Very, very interesting.
  • BBC: Power and fury of US Moon rocket - In a continuing series of stupid questions, the BBC asks: why did the US abandon the Saturn V rocket?
  • Guardian: Khamenei warns of 'collapse' in Iran
  • Guardian: Lunar radio - A couple of letters to the Guardian from people who remember the moon landing. Go check 'em out.
  • Times gallery: Apollo 11 pictures
  • Times: I've already been to Mars. Do join me.
  • Wired Danger Room: Danger Room in Afghanistan: City of Sighs - Just a really, really neat picture of an ancient "city" in Afghanistan, well worth the thirty seconds to look at it.
  • UPI: Yemen battles unrest on several fronts - People don't pay much attention to Yemen since it's a poor country with few resources, but it's worth paying attention to.
  • UPI: US, UK differ on how to confront foes
  • Michael Totten: The Gulag of Our Time - A very interesting blurb and book recommendation from Michael Totten regarding North Korea.
  • Michael Yon: One Giant Leap - Another interesting, brief, and slightly disjointed dispatch from Michael Yon, who's currently reporting from Afghanistan. Like Michael Totten's work, Yon's is always worth the read.
  • Long War Journal: US Predator strikes in Pakistan: Observations - Link knicked from Danger Room. Very interesting discussion and statistics about American drone strikes against al Qaeda and Taliban (primarily al Qaeda) targets in Pakistan.
  • Just for Fun: 6 Ways the Recession has Made the World Suck Less - A bit rosy, but it makes some interesting (and always entertaining) points. Go have a look if you need a laugh and a smile.

    Yesterday was a good day. Here are a few of the highlights.

  • My phone wouldn't take a charge, but luckily it turned out to be the charger and not the phone that went bad - and the charger is under warranty. A bit of a waste of time, but it could be much, much worse.
  • I inherited a vacuum cleaner (the second vacuum cleaner I've inherited since leaving home in 2006, the first one having been abandoned at Zoo Station), and it's bagless! Sweet!
  • In cleaning up The Locust Wind for transporting the vacuum and a few other things I was helping to move, I found a key that I'd lost, and a headset to my mobile phone.
  • I had a fantastic late evening swim, and got to chat with Gus.
  • I think I did some other stuff, too. It was a good night.

    So, that's it for today (or last night, if you want to be technical). Check back tomorrow for more.
  • Fly Report: 22nd July 2009

    Good morning. Clean living!

    It's 17° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 88° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $64.99. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8915.94. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 88. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 272

    The truth is not the same without the lies he made up.

    21 July 2009

    The Fly and HotforWords - Booyeah!

    First, the news. If the news puts you off, please skip to the bottom - you have my permission, if only for today. What I have to say in this post is epic.

  • AP: Gays, Mormons Clash at Second 'Kiss-In' at Mormon Plaza - Seriously? Gay kissing at the Mormon plaza? I don't care what you think about Mormons, and I don't care what you think about gays, anyone who would piss of the Mormons on their own turf over a difference of opinion is just really, really immature, and obviously has no clue as to the likely outcome.
  • CNN: "Aziz declares win in Mauritania" - The reason that's in quotations is to point out that the guy's name is Abdelaziz, not "Aziz", and CNN reporters are morons. Also, from the BBC: Mauritania army 'to fight terror'; yeah, sure they are. That's totally what coup troops do.
  • Times: Pared to the bone: Americans take up the clutter challenge - An interesting concept: could you reduce your life to only one hundred possessions?
  • BBC: In pictures: Gaza six months on - So, the pictures are depressing and all, but let's review: these people elected and continue to support Hamas, right? And Hamas' only real policy is shooting rockets at their neighbors and smuggling weapons in, right? So, why is it that I should feel sympathy for these people?
  • BBC: How Poles played a key role in breaking Nazi codes
  • AFP: Russia Stunned by Missile Failure Setback
  • UPI: Middle East Navies Eye New Submarines
  • SPX: Improved Counter-IED Training at Home for Deploying Warfighters - Booyeah!
  • BBC: US firm averts French explosion - Apparently French workers are taking their bosses hostage and threatening to blow stuff up in labor disputes? Yeah, they're totally more civilized and respectable than Americans.

  • Khatami calls for referendum on disputed election (BBC, Guardian)
  • AP: Ahmadinejad criticized by own hard-line supporters for vice presidential pick
  • CNN: Report: Karrubi blasts 'lies'

    Moon Landing Anniversary:
  • BBC: How Nasa plans to take man to the Moon the next time
  • Guardian: Space exploration volunteers wanted (The catch? It's a one-way ticket)
  • Times: Armstrong steps cautiously into Mars row
  • BBC: Audio Slideshow: Man on the Moon

    You know, I was born about thirteen years after the moon landing. It's easy for people in my generation to take the whole thing for granted, I even met Jim Lovell once. That having been said: we landed on the Moon. Beyond even the fact that it was Americans that did it - we as a species landed people on the freakin' Moon. That's amazing.

    Okay, yesterday I eluded to something really, really, really big. Back in March of 2008, I wrote a post entitled Education from Eastern Europe - Jawöhl!. If I'm not mistaken, this was my first mention of Marina Orlova, AKA Hot for Words, on this blog. Only Friday did I learn something astonishing: Marina Orlova, "Hot for Words", left comments on the post.

    Hey "Fly?" (I don't know what to call you!). Thanks for the post! It's always nice to find others with an interest in philology :-)

    Keep up the good writings!

    Marina HotForWords

    * * *

    Oh I forgot to say that I was surprised to find out that Mocha was a place!

    Take care,

    The latter indicates that she actually looked at posts on my blog other than the one that mentioned her. Hachi machi. So, naturally, I felt like a total stooge for missing a comment from one of the biggest Internet celebrities in the world - for a year and a half. The proper course of action was to E-mail Marina "Hot for Words" Orlova through her website.


    I was going through some old comments on my blog this evening, and I was shocked and embarrassed to realize that you stopped by my website and left a couple of very gracious comments in March of 2008, that I only discovered tonight. Since I use HaloScan for my comments, and you left yours on the organic blogger commenting utility, it literally took me a year and a half to notice that they were even there.

    (I'm sure you don't remember leaving a comment from so long ago, but the address is here: http://drosophil.blogspot.com/2008/03/education-from-eastern-europe-jawhl.html#comments.)

    Anyway, I was overjoyed to see that one of my favorite Internet celebrities, whom I adore for her combination of beauty and intelligence (and the accent doesn't hurt!) actually took the time to leave me a comment. Please know that I remain a big fan, and that I have your calendar on my refrigerator at this very moment!

    Thanks again, and I hope that you have continued success as you "wow" your viewers with both your wits and your... Adorable smile. :)

    Best wishes,
    [name] "The Fly" [name]

    I sent that shortly before going to bed - and had a response waiting when I got up.

    Funny how comments can get lost in the ether.. but still be there waiting to surprise you some day!

    Thanks for getting my calendar.. watch out.. July is messed up on the days! So don't miss any appointments this month! I made a cute little fix here: http://www.hotforwords.com/calendar-fix/

    Thanks for writing me!! I remember leaving those comments believe it or not!


    Sometimes, I can't believe how much I rule. Awesome. I got comments, and a very cordial E-mail, from a gorgeous Internet celebrity who's also not a total moron like most gorgeous Internet celebrities are. Awesome. Ladies and gentlement, drinks are on the house.

    Right then, time for work. Have a fantastic day.
  • Fly Report: 21st July 2009

    Good morning. HotforWords. On my blog. Seriously. Sometimes, I can't believe how much I rule.

    It's 17° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 81° Fahrenheit with partial clouds.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $64.58. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8848.15. The exchange rate is $1.65 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 87. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 271

    Choose them carefully, 'cause in some ways they will mind you.

    20 July 2009

    Just the News, Ma'am

    Just news today, but tomorrow I'll be posting about a special event that will make Father Time cringe, Mighty Mo shake her head in annoyance, and Gus shout "Jawohl!"

  • Russian Ballistic Missile Test Fails (AP, AFP)
  • CNN: 9/11 Families want Gitmo to Stay Open
  • BBC: Turkmenistan to create desert sea - Some of you may remember that Turkmenistan has the cleanest prostitutes in the region, with Borat's Kazakhstan a close second. Chinkwi.
  • Guardian: The Anglican church's crumbling foundations; Times: Gay marriage approval sounds death knell for Anglican unity - It's always enraging to read articles, particularly that first op-ed piece, from people who have the same level of understanding of sophisticated theology and ecumenical history that one would expect from a drunken fratboy majoring in business administration. I can understand people disagreeing with conservative Anglicans, but these articles border on brain damage. Honestly.
  • Times: The New Calvinists: Reform makes a comeback

    Alright, folks, check in tomorrow for my most excellent story. Oh, man, it's so sweet, you'll probably wet your pants.
  • Fly Report: 20th July 2009

    Good morning. Part of me dies inside whenever I discover another Abba song to like.

    It's 15° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 80° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $64.59. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8743.94. The exchange rate is $1.63 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is still breathtaking, even forty years later. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 85. The Fly is currently reading The Royal Marines: From Sea Soldiers to a Special Force by Julian Thompson.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 270

    The wire is stretched in between our two towers.

    18 July 2009

    Apathetic Friday Night

    For Gus. Volume optional.

    What are friends for?

    17 July 2009

    AMF: Wicked Awesome Denali Photo

    It's been a busy week, so again, just the news.

  • BBC: Could climate change be good news for dry areas?
  • BBC: Routing Taliban 'may take time'
  • BBC popup photo: Baghdad night club - A fat guy and hot Iraqi "hostesses"? Good grief, this joint looks like an Eastern European karaoke bar.
  • Guardian: Hanging of Baluch Rebels sends Stark Message to Opponents (Jundallah)
  • Guardian: Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters - The sequel to "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" - if you need a Friday laugh, this is a must-read.
  • Guardian: The absurd quest for a united Ireland
  • Times: Missing British backpacker Jamie Neale is survival enthusiast - I'm not sure if anyone caught this, but an eighteen year old kid went hiking in the Australian wilderness, was lost for twelve days, and was found alive and in relatively good condition. They put him in the hospital, probably to rehydrate and renourish him, but the story is really pretty fantastic. Go have a look.
  • Michael Yon: Searching for Kuchi, Finding Lizards - I posted this link yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to actually read it. It's fantastic, and even a little heartwarming. Please, go check it out.
  • Defenselink: Awesome Picture - The link leads to an amazing picture of some climbing guide standing on a mountain in the Denali Range up in Alaska. It's epic. Go look.

    Thanks for stopping in, folks. Have a great weekend!
  • Fly Report: 17th July 2009

    Good morning. A message to my big sister, Mighty Mo: Company Ink found me on Facebook. Booyeah!

    It's 13° Centigrade and foggy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 87° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $62.07. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8711.82. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is lame. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 85. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 267

    Her skin is pale like God's only dove.

    16 July 2009

    China's Algerian Adventures and Other Stories

    Hey, folks. Just news today - I had other projects to work on last night.

  • AP: Iran Hangs 13 Members of Sunni Muslim Rebel Group (Jundallah)
  • BBC: Will history repeat itself in Afghanistan? - This article was actually pretty good, not too in-depth, just enough to give some background on why the current war in Afghanistan isn't really comparable to Britain's prior engagements in that country. I saw another article that was somewhat similar to this a while back, but it was talking about how the Coalition engagement in Afghanistan wasn't like the Soviet-Afghan War, and conversely, why that war isn't really a direct corollary to Vietnam like some people have said. Anyway, this one's worth reading.
  • China issues alert in Algeria (BBC, Guardian) - Following up on yesterday's articles about the al Qaeda threat to Chinese workers in North Africa, China has issued warnings and threat advisories to those folks. Also, from the Times of London: China must decide how to deal with al-Qaeda - Politicians and businesses met few enemies as they spread across the African continent, but that may be about to change. I've been meaning to write an article about what amounts to de facto Chinese colonialism in Africa for a while now, so I'm following this emerging story with some interest.
  • BBC: Chechnya ambush leaves four dead - Of course, you can absolutely trust Russia when they claim that combat operations in Chechnya have come to a close.
  • BBC: World's oldest mum dies in Spain - A few years back, a woman lied about her age by more than a decade in order to get fertility treatment from a clinic in California. Once she gave birth to twins, she made the claim that since her mother lived well into her nineties, there was the possibility that she (the pregnant woman) could easily live to see her grandchildren. Well, she was diagnosed with cancer soon after (maybe because she screwed with her body to get unnaturally pregnant in her sixties?) and died less than three years later, leaving her twin toddlers as orphans to be cared for by her family. Way to go, you selfish idiot.
  • Guardian: Conflict looms in Kurdistan: Whether growing tensions between Iraq's Kurds and Baghdad turn bloody depends on Barack Obama's negotiation skills - Let's hope that there are three or four standby teleprompters at the negotiating table. *snicker*
  • Times: The Martian Sims - Cosmonauts take 105-day trip to Red Planet without leaving Moscow
  • Times: Buzz Aldrin: ‘We could be on Mars by 2030s’

    That's it, folks. Thanks for stopping by.
  • Fly Report: 16th July 2009

    Good morning. I'm trying to stop swearing. So far, I'm having mixed results.

    It's 16° Centigrade and partly cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 85° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $61.64. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8616.21. The exchange rate is $1.64 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is lame. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 84. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 266

    I did not notice the passersby, and they did not notice me.

    15 July 2009

    Pitying the Fool

    Here's a list of things that I did last night instead of writing up a blog post.

  • twenty-five minutes in the pool
  • dinner at the Bier Garden with Mrs. Mike Nelson, which included a Dark Island
  • went grocery shopping
  • talked on the phone with someone who I hadn't talked to since January

    So, here are some stories. If you're only looking for funny, check out the Onion and Failblog entries in the middle and at the end of the list. Wish I could comment on some of these, but time is short.

  • The Sun: Joe Jackson Wants Michael's Kids to Tour as 'Jackson 3'
  • Report: N. Korea's Kim Jong Il has Pancreatic Cancer (AP, BBC, Guardian, Times)
  • BBC: UK Afghan mission support 'rises'
  • BBC: Saudi 'genie' sued for harassment
  • BBC: Israel must stay 'deep in Golan'
  • BBC: Violence flares in North Caucasus
  • Guardian: The first Earthling to journey to Mars - Conan the Bacterium
  • Times: European countries try to break Russia gas monopoly
  • TImes: Miliband - equipment is not answer to Afghan mission
  • Times: Can Army vehicles survive the Taleban test?
  • Times: Display of US military hardware that puts Britain to shame
  • AFP: Mali troops hunt for Al-Qaeda militants: military source
  • The Onion: 7 Million People Direct Descendants Of Single Smooth-Talking Ancestor
  • BBC: Iran executes 13 Jundallah members
  • BBC: Row over 'standard' Hebrew signs
  • BBC: Time for change? African writer compares Obama and Gaddafi
  • Al-Qaida threatens to target Chinese (Guardian, Times)
  • Guardian: Sinn Féin blames Real IRA for Belfast violence
  • Guardian: Can Syria end the Arab cold war?
  • Times: Schism threat as US Anglicans vote on gay ban
  • Times: Brown took cheap option despite plea: generals asked for 2000 troops, Brown sent 700
  • Times: ANALYSIS: what are we fighting for? Initial mission was to chase al Qaeda, but operation suffers from "mission creep"
  • UPI: UK in market for new armored vehicles
  • Taqadoumy: Scoundrel or Statesman ? The case of Ely Ould Mohamed Vall
  • Michael Yon: Searching for Kuchi, Finding Lizards
  • Failblog: Contestant Fail

    That's it, check in tomorrow for more.

    UPDATE: Because I love my big sister, Mighty Mo, I will poke fun at myself by posting this video.

    Take 'er easy.
  • Fly Report: 15th July 2009

    Good morning. Saith Gus: "I don't care if the kids have birth defects, I just don't want to have to pay for them."

    It's 14° Centigrade and cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 82° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $60.38. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8359.49. The exchange rate is $1.63 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is lame. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 83. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 265

    Chinese stocks are going up, and I'm coming down with some new Asian virus.

    14 July 2009

    Busy Monday, Busy Tuesday

    Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday was exceptionally busy, but exceptionally awesome. Today's shaping up to be about the same. I didn't have time to put any news together, but I want to make a point of saying that I have awesome friends.

    I've talked on a number of occasions about Father Time, and my beloved sister Mighty Mo. On the occasion of the week after my birthday, I want to talk about two of my other friends: Gus, and Big Red.

    First thing's first: on the evening of my birthday, Big Red, Mrs. Red, and Little Red called me, and I heard the word "Ready?" and then they launched into a brilliant rendition of "Happy Birthday". Big Red is a particularly good friend, because I've been meaning to send him a Legionnaire Stikfas since early February, and finally mailed it last week - so late, in fact, that I was able to send a copy of the Gitmo Cookbook that I'd gotten as a spare when I ordered my own.

    And then, there's Gus. I got a call last Monday wishing me tardy congratulations on completing my twenty-seventh year, and inquiring of my mailing address. By the end of the week, stuff started showing up. Although I don't post my "Stuff Fly Wants" lists (Father Time just groaned audibly) with the intention of them becoming "give me stuff" lists, Gus made use of the list by ordering three items that have been on there for a long time:

  • Britain and Ireland Map
  • Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Middle East Map
  • Reno 911! - Season 2

    The only item that hasn't arrived yet is the Britain and Ireland Map, so I'm stoked about that. And the maps are laminated - that means they're bachelor-proof! Fantastic.

    Even from three thousand miles away, my college buddies (save for Rampage, who could be dead and I wouldn't know about it) continue to be fantastic friends. Thanks, Gus and Big Red. You guys are awesome.

    That's it for today, tune in tomorrow for more. Thanks, folks!
  • Fly Report: 14th July 2009

    Good morning. Even a year and a half later, it's still impossible to get skank stank out of low pile carpet.

    It's 13° Centigrade and cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 73° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $60.31. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8331.68. The exchange rate is $1.62 for £1, or £0.62 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 82. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 264

    I can breathe.

    13 July 2009

    Shooting Paintballs at Hobos

    Happy Monday, folks. I swear that this week will not be as obnoxiously bad as last week was, even if it requires me to shoot paintballs at hobos. First, the news.

  • Fox: New Al Qaeda Book on 'Muslim Spies' Paints Picture of Weakened Group, Experts Say
  • BBC: 'Rude' French are worst tourists - *snicker*
  • BBC: Destination Tripoli: Is Libya ready for an era of mass tourism?
  • BBC: Economic crisis boosts Dutch Calvinism
  • Guardian: Obama and Sarkozy check out woman's butt
  • Guardian: Steven Spielberg's HBO mini-series, "The Pacific"
  • Guardian, Times: Gaddafi demands return of Lockerbie bomber in first meeting with Brown - I think Crazy Uncle Muammar is finally losing it... More... Than he had already... Okay.
  • Wired Danger Room: Amid Arms Race, US Trains Up South Sudan Army
  • AFP: Russia asks Kyrgyzstan for Second Airbase
  • Failblog: Reading Fail - Why would that woman ever need to know how to read?

    Today's video is alternately titled "Saving Private Ryan Prank" and "Saving Private Ryan on $100 Budget". It's hilarious, but they botched it: "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones was at the end of Full Metal Jacket. Even so, it's hilarious. The smoke grenades? Priceless.

  • Fly Report: 13th July 2009

    Good morning. If this week is as lousy by Wednesday as last week was, I'm going to need a paintball gun and a map of the local railroad infrastructure.

    It's 14° Centigrade and cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 80° Fahrenheit with isolated thunder storms.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $59.60. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8146.52. The exchange rate is $1.62 for £1, or £0.62 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous, but it once again has almost nothing to do with astronomy. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 81. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 263

    Where might we find a lamb as white as snow?

    10 July 2009

    AMF: Thank God this Week is Over

    I'm very much not thrilled with this week. Here are the many, many news stories that have logjammed in the last few days.

  • Report: Saudis Give Nod to Israeli Strike on Iran (Times, AFP);
  • Times: Biden hands Ayatollah easy scapegoat (supplemental: AFP)
  • Iranian Clerics Declare Ahmadinejad Re-Election Illegitimate (Fox, Guardian, Times) - People are still protesting in the streets of Tehran and declaring "death to the dictator", too - let's hope they keep it up. And speaking of protests...
  • Scores killed in China protests (CNN, BBC, Times); Rioting Uighurs and a fading dream. Between the Uighurs and the Tibetans, China has some issues on its hands. I don't think people appreciate just how difficult a time this so-called "emerging superpower" is going to have with maintaining its borders in the coming decades.
  • BBC: Historic Bible pages put online
  • Times: Barack Obama makes basic error over balance of power in Kremlin
  • FSM: Landslide Ahmadinejad an Unwelcome Visitor (Mashad pilgrimage) - Apparently the "landslide" win of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad hasn't afforded him the gravitas to make a traditional pilgrimage to Mashad for newly-elected presidents. Very interesting.
  • AFP: Japanese imperial army maps to go online - This is very cool, whether you're a fan of Japan, military cartography, or just cool things that are being done with the Internet.
  • BBC: Who is Neil Armstrong? - Apparently Neil Armstrong is basically a recluse, has only done a couple of interviews in the last forty years, and refuses to discuss any aspect of his feelings on the moon landing. This is a really, really interesting article, and I particularly think that Father Time would appreciate reading it.
  • Times: Germany awards 'new Iron Cross'; Germany honours four soldiers with new version of Iron Cross - I actually think that this is really cool. The Iron Cross dated back to before Adolf Hitler ever came to power, and as with many things that really had nothing to do with Nazism, it was culled following World War II. Very interesting, if nothing else.
  • Times: Welsh Guards bear brunt as Afghan death toll rises
  • AFP: Taliban launch 'operation' against Marines
  • AFP: Germany orders 405 armoured fighting vehicles: company - Germany's performance in Afghanistan has been lackluster, to put it gently. Let's hope that this order represents a real commitment by the Bundeswehr to start pulling more weight internationally.
  • Michael Totten: The Real Quagmire - Michael Totten interviews a former Israeli military prison guard about the situation in Israel and "Palestine".
  • CNN: Love hotel business zooms despite downturn - If you're unfamiliar with Japanese "love hotels", this article will shock and entertain you. When I was dating the Little Jabbering Foreigner, she said that she and her friends used to use these hotel rooms as a place to go drink when they were underage.
  • BBC: 'No green light for Iran attack' - After Joe Biden claimed that the United States wouldn't stand in Israel's way, The One almost immediately shot that comment down. Great coordination, kids.
  • BBC: Yemenia 'may cancel Airbus order' - Rough times for Airbus - their planes keep falling out of the sky.
  • Guardian: China's dollar delusion: Dethroning the US dollar as the world's most powerful currency might not be in China's long-term interests
  • FSM: Giving Israel Credit Where It's Due: A British Military Expert Tells Truth to Prejudice
  • Times: British troops put at higher Afghan risk
  • Times: Troops in Helmand 'could defeat' themselves
  • FSM: Newt Gingrich: How Team Obama Hijacked "Change" And How We Can Take It Back
  • UPI: Mumbai attackers depend on Gulf funds - One of the things that people ignore is that the Iraq War was waged in large part to deny Saddam Hussein the ability to provide funding to international terrorist groups, which he did openly and brazenly. If you dry up the funds, the groups can't operate.
  • Guardian gallery: satellite images
  • Times gallery: British troops in Afghanistan
  • Times gallery: US Marines: Operation Khanjar

    For my dear friend, Gus, I'm posting part two of the Hot Facts Girls' Fitness Facts series. It's mostly redundant information, so I'll say again: gentlemen, this video is volume optional.

    Let's hope that next week isn't as terrible as this week has been. Have a good weekend, folks.
  • Fly Report: 10th July 2009

    Good morning. I lost everything I could ever want, ever dream of.

    It's 13° Centigrade and cloudy in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 81° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $60.20. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8183.17. The exchange rate is $1.63 for £1, or £0.61 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is gorgeous. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 81. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 260

    And the water, it was icy, as it washed over me.

    09 July 2009

    Fly Report: 09th July 2009

    Good morning. I didn't need all of this, and I certainly didn't need it all at once.

    It's 14° Centigrade and cloudy with wind in Kirkwall. In Cody, the forecast calls for a high of 79° Fahrenheit with sunshine.

    A barrel of oil is trading at $60.74. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at 8178.41. The exchange rate is $1.60 for £1, or £0.62 for $1.

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is cool. The picture at the Orkneyjar Photoblog is not new.

    Today's scripture reading is Psalm 80. The Fly is currently reading Goldfinger by Ian Fleming.

    Consecutive days without CCG: 259

    It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest.