The Fly In Action

In this picture, Fly has drawn a bead on the terrorist. Watch tomorrow's paper for the outcome. Remember, you heard it FIRST on Thus Saith The Fly, your total news source!
The SECRET is yourSELF. The SECRET is your PAIN. The SECRET is letting GO/giving UP/breaking DOWN/giving IN. Giving in to the END. Giving in to the BEGINNING. Giving in to LOVE.
And I'm already gone, felt that way all along
Closer to you every day, didn't want it that much anyway
- Pontifex Maximus
Brooks said the evening was designed to invigorate his once-aging congregation — attracting young people and those interested in social activism. "We absolutely need to grow in order to survive," he said. [...] The event included an offering for local charities and enlisted volunteers for the One Campaign, an effort to alleviate global poverty backed by U2's lead singer, Bono.
Friar Dave: did you see this?,2933,191622,00.html
The Fly: Loading...
The Fly: ROFL
The Fly: Uh oh.
Friar Dave: i guess they finally got to the bottom of it
The Fly: That was horrible, Dave.
Friar Dave: yeah. i know
The Fly: LOL
Friar Dave: but was somewhat more fitting that "science has reached new heights"
Friar Dave: Fly, I kid you not, someone actually wrote "El Cid and his posse"
The Fly: LOL
Friar Dave: hahaha
Friar Dave: this is postable
The Fly: Absolutely.
The Fly: Want me to?
Friar Dave: "The King is not El Cid's only Lord, He also serves his Spiritual Lord. In the medieval worl, God was everyone's Lord. El Cid Feels like by fighting the Moors he is helping serve god and Jesus. El Cide even believes that the Arch Angle Gabriel came and spoke to him saying god was on his side (which cseems to be an Islamic influence to the story)"
Friar Dave: (sic)
Friar Dave: my only typo was (worl instead of world) the rest were his
The Fly: LOL
The Fly: Wow.
Chef: Children, three nights ago I was at the library checking out some books on kama sutra when I met the most amazing woman ever. She knew so much about so many things. She really got me thinking. We eventually came back to my place and really hit it off.
Stan: So you made sweet love to her down by the fire.
Chef: No no, we just sat there all night long and... Talked.
Stan: Talked?!
Chef: Yeah. She told me all about the powers of goddess, and how men have been oppressing women for years and viewing them as sexual objects, and I realized that I had done that myself.
Kyle: Mr. Garrison, can we talk to you?
Mr. Garrison: Sure.
Stan: Normally we go to Chef with our problems, but we can't this time.
Mr. Garrison: Well children, I am your teacher. I think you'll find that my advice is just as valuable as Chef's, if not more so.
Kyle: All right. Mr. Garrison, have you ever had a friend who got a new girlfriend, and then stopped being your friend, and it pissed you off?
Mr. Garrison: Oh, the old succubus syndrome.
Stan: What's a succubus?
Mr. Garrison: A succubus is a woman sent from Hell to suck the life out of a man.
Kyle: That's it!
Stan: Yeah!
Mr. Garrison: Yeah, there's not much you can do about a succubus. Their evil power makes man blind to love.
Kyle: This is totally what's happening!
Stan: Wow, you are smart, Mr. Garrison!
Mr. Garrison: Yeah, I tell you boys, women can kill. Poontang's expensive. That's why when it comes to chicks, I just screw them and leave them. I'd say "get out of my bedroom, poontank, before you suck my life dry!"
Kyle: Thanks, Mr. Garrison.
The Fly: How busy are you this weekend?
Friar Dave: going to [Friar City] this weekend for easter
Friar Dave: and otherwise trying to stay abreast of my work
Friar Dave: why?
The Fly: CCG's single again. I think you should go take advantage of her vulnerability.
The Fly: Go! Succeed where I have failed!
Friar Dave: where is she? [Kristiville]?
The Fly: No, that's Kristi. CCG's in [Gomorrah].
Friar Dave: admittedly, that's a little better from here, not the best getting to plymouth though
Friar Dave: and, even if i was interested in dating a crazy ultra-religous girl, im too busy for that this weekend
The Fly: LOL
The Fly: Probably a good call.
Robinson, who tried to acquire the manuscript again in 1993, says the Gospel is a sensation—but only to scholars, not the public. His own book, "The Secrets of Judas," hardly oversells the translation. "It tells us nothing about the historical Jesus, nothing about the historical Judas," he told NEWSWEEK. "It only tells what, 100 years later, Gnostics were doing with the story they found in the canonical Gospels. I think purchasers are going to throw the book down in disgust."
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
- Ecclesiastes 1:9
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."